Why money is not a goal but rather a tool

You want to be rich. You want a life where you can buy anything that comes to your mind. I know exactly how you feel! Growing up I wanted to be rich too. I saw some rich people on the TV and I was like “man I wanna be like that when I grow up”. After that decision, I began reading self-help books and every author basically said the same thing. Money is not the goal but rather a tool. At first, I didn’t entirely believe them, but now I get them. Having the mindset I once had is a one-way ticket to a life of sorrow, loneliness, and depression!

Happiness vs Fulfillment

I want to ask you something. Whenever something good happens to you, do you feel happy or fulfilled? Let’s assume you buy a new car. What happens to you emotionally? You get excited about this new purchase of your but as time passes, you get used to it and that happiness fades away. Now let’s examine a different scenario. You donate 5% of your paycheck to philanthropy. How do you feel? You might be proud of yourself doing something good, but as times passes, when you think of that moment, you feel even better. You feel fulfilled! You can find more about happiness and fulfillment in this amazing video by Simon Sinek here

This applies to most areas of our life. Buying expensive cars, houses, clothing while failing to invest in your relationship will destroy you. Happiness comes from the memories we share with others, from our lover, from our friends, from our family. Happiness is one of the few things in life that you can’t buy with money. Even if you achieve your dream and after many years become a billionaire, what then? What are you going to do with all that money?

Read a small article about Mahatma Gandhi’s famous quote “If you want to change the world, start with yourself” here

Find out how you can easily start meditating here

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